I started Internet Marketing to generate more free time for me to go on more adventures! This is me in the Arctic.
About a year ago I was working for a company and I was struggling to manage a project which had it’s problems, but by far the biggest problem was that there weren’t enough people on the team. So we had far too much work for the number of people available to do it… it was a nightmare.
I loved the work I was doing and I didn’t want to let the customer or the team down and so I was drawn deeper and deeper into working harder and harder. This continued until the point that I was working 70 hour weeks routinely, plus I had a 1 hour commute each way to get to work and back home.
I didn’t mind the commute, in fact I had been riding a motorbike for 10 years, and actually loved the commute through the wide open countryside. But, because I was often returning home, late at night, exhausted and sometimes running low on sleep reserves… I felt that it was only a matter of time until I had an accident and did myself some damage. So I sold the bike and switched to using a car. Now those that know me… will tell you that this was a very hard thing for me to do (although secretly I do quite like having a radio and a heater… but don’t tell anyone else that!).
So, I got to the point of realizing that I had no life. All I did was work! I had a whole heap of adventures planned (to see my previous adventures please visit www.chrisgtodd.com) that I was just not able to plan for or undertake because I spent all my time working….
I needed a change, and in the airport returning from a family visit, I picked up a book about making money using the internet. I read it cover to cover on the flight home and decided to make a change. So this is it, I have been engrossed in the world of internet marketing (online business) ever since.
The possibilities are endless….